Gespänsterwald on YouTube: What to watch in 2023?
Gespänsterwald on YouTube: What to watch in 2023?

We are on YouTube! Yesterday we opened our own channel with already some small videos for you.

Gespänsterwald on YouTube

And what is there to see now? 👀
Everything about our products, activities, our company, tutorials in the sense of assembly instructions and other great stuff 😉

Why videos? ▶️
There are several reasons for this. First, because we found that for some products, pure product photos just aren’t enough for the store and Instagram. In this case, a medium does not meet the characteristics of the product or material. This means that a photo can hardly reflect the character of a marble tile, for example. capture and reproduce.
Therefore, videos are a good and useful addition for the customers and the store.

Apart from this addition, YouTube is of course also a great way to provide more insight into our company, our projects and thus also to advertise or demonstrate our services. … And I tell you, we have a lot to show.
Because over the years we have accumulated so many great projects and products that we could not or were not allowed to share at the time, but now can.

As for the tutorials…
… so we noticed that similar to the marble tiles, certain products benefit from being displayed on multiple media. At the same time, each product has its very own corners where you can and should provide video support!
That’s why we have started to work for certain products like e.g. Craft kits or animal heads construction tutorials to upload.

What exactly am I talking about?
Okay, here is an example: If the character of the marble tiles is lost through photos, we have the possibility to show the heaviness, the material, the texture of the tile in real through videos. It’s similar with craft kits or our 3D animal heads. The animal heads look really great in photos, but that only shows the final product or result. However, you as customers will receive the animal heads in individual parts, just like the craft sets. Of course, we have included assembly instructions and have taken great pains to do so. However, a setup video is one step more helpful.

Our build tutorials on YouTube

What do products need?
For example, marble tiles have a different focus and require different video content than craft kits or animal heads. Promotional videos for products, however, are something else. Promotional videos can be designed for any product and the content can be practically the same.

When are your promo videos coming?
But the future will tell when we upload our promotional videos and link them to the product videos, product photos and product descriptions in the store.

Optimally, we give the customer comprehensive, helpful and, above all, transparent access to the products. That’s our goal, because we think our products are great ourselves.

… And psst, I myself also have 7 marble coasters at home. 😉

That should be it for now. Have a great week or weekend, depending on when you read this, friends.

Werftstraße 35
18057 Rostock

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